February 2023

To my local Health Unit, HKPR, and to every other public health unit in Ontario.

Recently Health Canada updated the section of their website that focused on vaping. This update is the latest progressive action by our national public health ministry. In 2018, the Tobacco and Vaping Products Act (TVPA) became law in Canada. The legislation regulates the manufacture, sale, labeling, and promotion of vaping products sold in Canada. From 2018 until recently, Public […]

To my local Health Unit, HKPR, and to every other public health unit in Ontario. Read More »

Response to: Pipe and Halayko: Why haven’t Ontario and Manitoba boosted taxes on vaping products?

I am writing in response to Andrew Halayko’s and Andrew Pipes  opinion piece that calls for Ontario and Manitoba to take advantage of an opportunity to raise taxes on vaping products. Professor Halayko’s piece presents outdated arguments that do not consider vaping as a powerful tool to reduce the harm caused by smoking. Kids should

Response to: Pipe and Halayko: Why haven’t Ontario and Manitoba boosted taxes on vaping products? Read More »

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