Charter Challenge: Vapers Take on New Brunswick Government with Charter Challenge.


It’s a sad day for Canadians, when misinformation, panic and moralistic positioning take precedent over the Charter rights of Canadians.

As provincial governments across our country are racing to create regulations to get their smokers back, New Brunswick is the latest winner in the tobacco tax grab to create regulations that ignore the Charter rights of their citizens. And one New Brunswicker has started his mission to hold them accountable in a court of law.

Charles Byram is speaking out and launching a Constitutional challenge. “I’m saddened that it has to come to this. I’m not doing it for myself, I’m doing it for the million-plus adult vapers not only in this province but all of Canada that rely on flavours to remain smoke free. I’m taking a stand for the people who cannot. I’m taking a stand for the grandmothers, the aunts, the uncles, the fathers, the mothers and every adult out there that
need me too.”

Charter challenges are not cheap, He is committed to retaining the services of the pre-eminent law firm of Cambridge LLP where partner Doug Elliot, a prominent Constitutional lawyer calls home.

“Mr. Elliott is well known for his work on landmark constitutional cases such as same sex marriage, and is also a leader in the field of class actions,” said Charles. “When your fighting for your life you have to focus on surrounding yourself with a team that can help you. That is why retaining the service of Mr. Elliot is my number one focus at the moment.”

Currently there are two other Charter challenges before courts, one in Quebec, where the court ruled in support of vaping, but currently has been challenged by the Quebec government, and a second in Nova Scotia, which is at its early stages. Court cases like this, take time and money. Unfortunately, for smokers in New Brunswick, the September 1st deadline for implementation is approaching quickly, and the $150k price tag, makes this cause even more fragile.

There is a GoFundMe that has been launched to support this court case.

Vapers Take on New Brunswick Government with Charter Challenge

“If you vape, know someone that vapes, support harm reduction or simply believe that government are not above the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, please make a donation to this fundraiser,” said Maria Papaioannoy, Rights4Vapers.

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