Tobacco Harm Reduction, a Human Rights Issue
Tobacco Harm Reduction


By Paul Beauregard.

With the proposed ban on most flavors that the Vaping industry uses in the production of Nicotine E-Liquid and the different levels of Nicotine used to help Smokers switch and quit and to keep current Vapers from relapsing, has Tobacco Harm Reduction and Vaping become a Human Rights issue here in Canada? 

The answer is Yes. Removing flavors and limiting Nicotine concentrations will only deter smokers from switching and also cause Vapers to relapse to smoking tobacco, causing major harm. That’s what most lawyers would call a Human Rights issue in the making. Tobacco Harm Reduction focuses “on minimizing the harm associated with Tobacco use rather than preventing use itself”. 1

With all the innovations of Vaping products over the last decade to help smokers pursue a healthier lifestyle, all Adult Smokers and Vapers across Canada have a Constitutional Right to access effective Tobacco Harm Production products to help them quit and remain tobacco free and live a healthier lifestyle. Once again, Lawyers would consider this a violation of all Canadian’s Constitutional Rights.

Policy recommendations must take the rights of all Canadians into account. Regulations should never do any harm, it is unethical. Underage Youth should not Vape let alone smoke cigarettes. Enforcing current Tobacco and “Vaping laws more strictly and correctly informing parents of the consequences should be more than adequate to prevent underage Youth uptake”. 2

Thank you for your time and I truly hope you will all consider my words. 


Paul Beauregard

Québec, Canada




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