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The Facts Of Vaping

Vaping refers to the use of an electronic device that heats a liquid turning it into an aerosol (vapour) which the user inhales.

Vaping is different from smoking, which burns tobacco leaves and creates smoke. Both vaping and smoking deliver nicotine, but it is the burning of tobacco that causes most of the harm.

Vaping devices, also known as e-cigarettes, e-vaporizers, or electronic nicotine delivery systems, are battery-operated devices that people use to inhale an aerosol, which typically contains nicotine (though not always), flavourings, and other chemicals.

There are two types of vaping devices, Open Pod and Closed Pod systems. Both of which require charging. Pod devices are usually mouth-to-lung devices. More complex tank devices are direct-to-lung devices and are the ones that can make big vapour. Pod vaporizer systems use larger, more powerful batteries which are longer lasting.

Vaping devices, also known as e-cigarettes, e-vaporizers, or electronic nicotine delivery systems, are battery-operated devices that people use to inhale an aerosol, which typically contains nicotine (though not always), flavourings, and other chemicals.

There are two types of vaping devices, Open Pod and Closed Pod systems. Both of which require charging. Pod devices are usually mouth-to-lung devices. More complex tank devices are direct-to-lung devices and are the ones that can make big vapour. Pod vaporizer systems use larger, more powerful batteries which are longer lasting.

Reasons to Choose an Open Pod Systems

• Open pods use larger e-liquid cartridges that are easy to refill and/or replace so you can keep vaping with the same device. 
• Vast selection of flavours
• More nicotine level options.
• Cheaper in the long run than a closed-system
• Tight draw
• More vapor
• Portable
• More environmentally friendly than a closed system.
• Longer learning curve.
• Pretty user-friendly but more maintenance than a closed system.
• Replacing coils and e-liquid could be messy or time consuming.
• Flavour overlaps when using the same pod and different flavours.
• Must have e-liquid to refill pods.

Reasons to Choose a Closed Pod Systems

• Closed systems have sealed pods that are pre-filled.
• Easy to get up and running.
• Pods come sealed and prefilled with e-liquid and snap directly into a battery. Simply replace the pod when it’s empty and click in a new one.
• Limited flavour options
• Limited nicotine options
• More costly over the long run than open-systems
• Tighter draw so requires a little work to get a good hit

The e-liquid contains propylene glycol, vegetable glycerine, plus flavours and the option of nicotine.

• Propylene glycol creates a throat sensation similar to smoking.
• A higher ratio vegetable glycerine gives more vapour.
• Different flavours are added for personal preference.
• Nicotine is optional, and comes in different levels of strength.

e-LIquid comes in different strengths of nicotine. The strength of what you start with is often dependent on how much you smoke and how early in the day you start smoking. In general, the more addicted to nicotine you are, the higher the dose you should start on.

Vapers have the choice to reduce their frequency of vaping over time, and reduce the strength of nicotine in their e-liquid. Vapers should only lower nicotine levels when they feel they won’t go back to smoking, and don’t have to puff more to compensate.

Vaping Vs. Smoking

Vaping can help smokers stop by delivering nicotine. Vaping is a lot less harmful than smoking. Only vape to stop smoking.

Making the decision to quit smoking can be tough. Vaping is a way to stop smoking cigarettes by getting nicotine with fewer of the toxins that come from burning tobacco. Although vaping Is much less harmful than smoking, it’s not harmless. Eventually, you should stop vaping as well, but only when you know you won’t go back to smoking cigarettes.

We always recommend going to a speciality vape shop to talk about what product would work best for you.

The best vaping device to stop smoking is what works best for you as a smoker. There is a reason there are so many choices. It’s all about what will keep you smoke free! Going into a specialty vape store is the best way to get a vape that’s right for you. It’s personal, and it depends on so many things, like how often and how much you smoke.

Choose an e-liquid with a flavour you like, and nicotine base and strength that matches how you smoke. Talking to a vape store specialist can help you find that fit.

Good on you for coming this far. Finding support is part of the journey of vaping to stop, and can make the difference in successfully switching.

One of the best things you can do is talk to others who have stopped with vaping. Ask them what they wish they knew before they started and if anything in particular helped them through it.

Vaping to stop with other people can be the best support. Ask friends to give it a go with you. There are online groups and local vaping support groups that you can join. Remember, you’re not alone on your vape-to-stop journey.

Some people pick up their first vape and they’re away almost immediately. Others find it takes a bit of time to fully transition to vaping.

Don’t stress if you need time, and there may be a period where you are both smoking and vaping. This is normal and can take two to three months to be completely off cigarettes.

The majority of health benefits are seen when you stop smoking completely.

Tips & Resources

Smoking is often a coping strategy for other stresses in life. Finding support for financial worries, domestic issues or other life difficulties is just as important in helping you stop smoking.

If you’re pregnant and smoking, talk to your doctor about the best stopping options for you.

Switching to vaping replaces some of the things that people miss when they stop smoking, but like any change it has its challenges. Knowing what to expect can help with the transition.

Finding a specialist vape store with a knowledgeable person can make a big difference. They probably know what it’s like to switch to vaping, so don’t be intimidated by the look of the store. If you have any questions as you get used to vaping and your device, go back and check in with them.

When you think of vaping you probably think of big clouds. Well don’t. Those generally come from low nicotine e-liquid and the large tank style device. They are not suited to people who are starting to stop smoking.

You want a high nicotine, discreet pod or pen style, designed to help stop smoking. Ask if they have starter kits.

Be kind to yourself. A lot of people say the biggest hurdle to stopping is believing you can do it. These feelings are normal, and talking to others who’ve been through it can help.

It’s good to know that lots of people take two to three months to fully stop smoking and consider themselves a vaper. And that’s ok.

If you’ve got a bigger goal to stop vaping too, many vapers find they get to this stage around the 12-month mark. Don’t rush it. You have a choice of reducing your frequency of vaping over time, and reducing the strength of nicotine in your e-liquid. Only reduce when you feel you won’t go back to smoking, and won’t have to puff more to compensate.

The benefit of vaping is you’re in control. Vape as often, and on as high nicotine level as you need. Don’t feel bad if you need more, and feel awesome when you need less. You’ve already achieved the biggest feat, and that’s to stop smoking.

Many vapers buy a range of different strength e-liquids, for different situations. If they know it’s going to be a stressful day, they might choose a higher strength liquid. On other days, they’ll stick with a lower level.

How Can I Help?

We want to build a coalition of vapers from coast to coast. There are lots of ways you can join the team and get involved today!

Get in touch and we will sign you up for our newsletter and keep you updated about the latest news.
https://www.rights4vapers.com/contact-us/ and info@rights4vapers.com

We want to know why you vape and we’d love to hear from you! Contact us today to leave a testimonial https://www.rights4vapers.com/contact-us/ or share your story and get your voice heard! info@rights4vapers.com Be part of the difference!

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