May will be dedicated to raising awareness of the harm reduction potential of vaping



May will be dedicated to raising awareness of the harm reduction potential of vaping

Ottawa (Ontario) – May 4, 2022 – Every year over 48,000 Canadians die of smoking related illnesses. If Canadian smokers understood that vaping is less harmful than smoking and is a proven way to help smokers quit smoking, lives would be saved.

“Today we expected that our petition opposing the flavours ban would be read in the House of Commons, however, the Liberal government pulled the plug, in favour of pushing through a budget that will, among other things, tax vaping products,” said Maria Papaioannoy, spokesperson for Rights4Vapers, Canada’s largest vapers’ rights group. “It is yet another example of the government silencing the voice of Canadian vapers.”

Last year, the government proposed a ban on all flavoured vapour products (except tobacco, mint, and menthol). Over 11,000 vapers and supporters signed a petition opposing this proposal.

“The Government of Canada has spent millions of dollars on trying to stop people from smoking. We agree this is a noble cause. However, regulators need to acknowledge the potential for vaping as a tobacco harm reduction tool and embrace a more progressive regulatory framework to drive smoking rates event lower,” said Ms. Papaioannoy.

Instead, Canadian smokers and vapers are faced with more and more draconian regulations, from nicotine caps to flavour bans.

“Regulators seem to have forgotten that their job is to protect Canadians against the harms of tobacco use. Even worse, the government has disincentivized smokers from trying vaping as a reduced harm alternative by not communicating the true harm reduction potential,” said Ms. Papaioannoy. “The losers in all this are Canadian smokers and vapers. They have been demonized because they dare to be addicted to nicotine.”

Vaping is a proven less harmful alternative to smoking. Public health authorities around the world have made it clear that vaping can be an effective tool to help smokers quit smoking. But only if the right regulatory and societal frameworks are in place.

Vapour products are the best hope for hundreds of thousands of Canadians who smoke and are looking for an alternative to cigarettes. Earlier this year, Public Health England released its latest review of vapour studies. It found that “the best thing that a smoker can do is to stop smoking completely and the evidence shows that vaping is one of the most effective quit aids available, helping around 50,000 smokers quit a year.”

This May, Rights4Vapers will hold a series of events to raise awareness of the importance of tobacco harm reduction and demonstrate how vaping can be a game changing tool in the battle for many to quit smoking.


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