Press & Resources

Signed Petition - FR

15 000 Canadiens ont signé la pétition pour sauver les arômes!

LA PÉTITION EST MAINTENANT FERMÉE! Rights4Vapers, la principale organisation canadienne de défense des droits des vapoteurs, est ravie d’annoncer que nous avons réussi ! Nous avons atteint plus de 15 000 signatures ! Nous voulons remercier chacun d’entre vous d’avoir pris la parole pour protéger le vapotage et la réduction des risques en signant la

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Signed Petition

15 000 Canadians Signed The Petition to Save Flavours!

THE PETITION IS NOW CLOSED! Toronto, Ontario – June 28, 2021 – Rights4Vapers, Canada’s leading vapers’ rights organization, is delighted to report that we did it! We hit over 15,000 signatures! We want to thank each and every one of you for speaking out to protect vaping and harm reduction by signing the ‘Petition to

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10 000 Canadians Sign Petition against Flavour Ban!

OVER 10,000 CANADIANS CALL ON PARLIAMENT TO PROTECT THE HEALTH AND RIGHTS OF ADULT VAPERS A RANGE OF FLAVOURS IS NECESSARY TO HELP SMOKERS QUIT SMOKING AND STAY SMOKE-FREE Toronto, Ontario – June 25, 2021 – Rights4Vapers, Canada’s leading vapers’ rights organization, is delighted to report that over 10,000 Canadians have signed a House of

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putting out a cigarette


Health Canada abdicates its responsibility to protect the health of ALL Canadians Toronto, Ontario – June 18, 2021 – Canadian vapers and smokers have been abandoned by the federal government. The new proposed regulations that will ban all flavoured vapour products will make these products less appealing to smokers looking for a reduced harm alternative

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putting out a cigarette

FLAVOUR BANS WILL DRIVE MILLIONS OF VAPERS BACK TO SMOKING – Health Canada abdicates its responsibility to protect the health of ALL Canadians

FLAVOUR BANS WILL DRIVE MILLIONS OF VAPERS BACK TO SMOKING – Health Canada abdicates its responsibility to protect the health of ALL Canadians Toronto, Ontario – June 18, 2021 – Canadian vapers and smokers have been abandoned by the federal government. The new proposed regulations that will ban all flavoured vapour products will make these

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Organizations That Support Vaping

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