Quit Your Way Challenge


The new year marks a fresh start for all of us. We all make resolutions for living a healthier and happier life. We know that so many of you have made the choice to quit smoking.

There are so many others who are thinking about it but don’t know where to start. This is our challenge to you! Tell us your story. It can be how you quit. It can be how you plan to quit. It doesn’t matter how or when you did it. Cold turkey. Patches. Gum. Vape.

We want to hear your story!

Everyone who enters has the chance to win a $100 gift card.
The deadline for submissions is January 2, 2023.

You can do it in many ways:

– Share a Tweet and don’t forget to tag us @rights4vapers
– Post your story on our Facebook page
– Send us an email with your story to info@rightsforvapers.com
– Send us a video to info@rightsforvapers.com

Quit Smoking Resources:

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